Shinji Aoyama wrote a Film Manifesto

Every Frame a Painting — Memories of Murder

Happy New Year 2016 Folks!

A Modest Proposal to Revamp the Network TV Schedule

Keep Regulating the Broadcast TV Networks
This week, the Supreme Court considers the regulation of broadcasting nudity and cursing for broadcast television networks. This case has to do with the broadcasting of cursing between celebrities Nicole Richie and…

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Spider-Man 2: Reviewing the Movie Plot, Highlights

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Spider-Man 2: Reviewing the Movie Plot, Highlights
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A Modest Proposal to Revamp the Network TV Schedule

Happy New Year 2016 Folks!

Every Frame a Painting — Memories of Murder

Shinji Aoyama wrote a Film Manifesto

Europe, Be Cool (Japan)!

2015: What’s up asian cinema?

John Woo: “The more money we have, the more we lose creative freedom”

From the Cannes Film Market 2015

Shinya Tsukamoto Talks Fires on the Plain

From the set of Kurosawa’s Woman in the Silver Plate

Trailer for Ringo Lam’s Wild City

Asian cinema, film festivals & us

Trailer for Sion Sono’s Love & Peace!

Hideo Gosha — Visual Storytelling

Guest Feature — Zatoichi: A Tribute